Todoist calendar
Todoist calendar

todoist calendar todoist calendar

Within GSD, I have a list of recurring tasks for appointments, household maintenance, and other reminders. I use Todoist as my task app of choice (though there's no shortage of options!), and I have a project called Get Stuff Done (GSD). We store the to-dos in our brains, like scheduling an annual physical, until it becomes urgent or we get some sort of reminder from the doctor's office. We become wired to remember the weekly report or monthly check-in with a client because it's part of our jobs.įor some reason, we don't tend to give recurring personal tasks the same treatment. It's really easy to put recurring work tasks on a to-do list. Here's how I keep my to-do list in order to be sure my work and life are productive. And most importantly, it helps me treat my personal to-do list with the same care I do my work one. I find a single list helps me better understand what's overdue, what I need to work on today, and what's upcoming. Instead of separating my to-dos into two lists-one for work, one for personal-I combine them.

Todoist calendar